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Know Your Audience

One of the keys to search position (SERP) success, the heart of SEO, is to understand your target audience. Reach your audience with the most effective keywords and images. This will improve your search engine results position and bring the best prospects. Gaining an understanding of your target audience is part of our “big picture” SEO process. Understanding your target audience is important for on page and off page SEO success. We look at the factors below to adjust your content and presentation as part of your SEO strategy.

To successfully engage your target audience you have to understand their motivations and the language they use when searching. There are several factors to consider, and each is important.


  • Understand target audience culture: who are they?
  • Understand target audience vocabulary.
  • Understand target audience needs.
  • What is your audience asking?
  • What does your audience understand?
  • What is important to your audience?
  • How does your audience view your product or service?

Understanding your audience means that the vocabulary, imaging, and focus of your content hits the bulls eye of your customer target.  It is common for web site content not to focus on what is important to their customers.  For example, do they care about cost, technology, quick shipping, or support? There is a popular retail marketing book written years ago by Lewis Kornfeld titled “To Catch a Mouse Make a Noise like a Cheese”. The same concept that he used in electronics retail can be applied to SEO success.

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